Prices for renting apartments in Kyiv and Lviv have changed.

 Prices for renting apartments in Kyiv and Lviv have changed.

In August 2023, prices for renting apartments in Kiev increased by 10%. The cost of a one – room apartment increased by 10%, a two – room apartment-by 7%, and a three-room apartment-by 5%. This increase is due to a seasonal factor, as August is the traditional season of increased demand due to student returns, school preparation, and other factors. At the same time, rental prices in Lviv remained unchanged. However, the cost of renting one-bedroom apartments in Lviv is still higher than in Kiev. The median rental price in Kiev is UAH 11,000 for a one-room apartment, UAH 16,000 for a two-room apartment and UAH 27,500. for a three-room apartment.
In Lviv, the rental price is UAH 15,000 for a one – room apartment, UAH 16,000 for a two-room apartment and UAH 19,000 for a three-room apartment. The rental market is gradually recovering, and this is a positive signal.


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