The price of renting an apartment in Lviv in September 2023.

The price of renting an apartment in Lviv in September 2023.

A year ago, rental prices have increased significantly due to the arrival of many immigrants to the city due to the acute phase of the war. However, now the situation has changed, and rental prices have begun to decline somewhat in some cases due to a decrease in the flow of migrants. Now the prices for renting one-room apartments in new buildings in Lviv on average are about 500 US dollars or about 18 350 UAH per month.

However, the cost of renting housing in Lviv depends on several factors, such as the location, the condition of the apartment and house, the area of the apartment and the general competition in the rental market. Prices may also vary depending on the current market situation and specific offers that are currently available.

Approximate prices for rental housing in different districts of Lviv. For example, in central districts such as Shevchenko, Frankovsky and Galitsky, the average rental price of a one-room apartment ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 UAH per month. In the districts of Lychakovsky and Sykhovsky, the prices for renting the same apartment range from 9,000 to 16,000 UAH per month, and in the Railway district - from 9,000 to 13,000 UAH per month.

Thus, prices for rental housing in Lviv vary depending on the area of location and other factors, and the rental market can be dynamic, so it is always useful to be aware of the current market situation in order to make the most profitable choice when renting housing in Lviv.

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